March 28, 2025



All J&K Patwar Association Defers Pendown Strike After Assured of Grievance’ Redressal in 3 Weeks

Srinagar, Aug 25 (KF): All Jammu & Kashmir Patwar Association on Thursday announced deferment of their ongoing pen-down strike after assured of grievance’ redressal in upcoming three weeks.

“All Jammu & Kashmir Patwar Association announced a 3 day strike with effect from 24.08.2022 due to the non-fulfillment of genuine demands, regarding which a record note of meeting held on 09.03.2022 under the chairmanship of Worthy Commissioner / Secretary to Govt. Revenue Department was issued vide No. Rev/NG/148/2018/56905 Dated: 09.03.2022 wherein it was decided by the Authorities that all genuine demands of association will be again examined and fulfilled within one month. However till 23.08.2022 despite a lapse of 5 months none of the demands was fulfilled and thereby the association was forced to go on a three days pen down strike due to the lackadaisical approach of authorities”, reads a press statement issued to KF.

“Worthy Commissioner/Secretary to Govt. Revenue Department called a meeting of officers in the Civil Secretariat on 24.08.2022 at 10:30 am in which the association office bearers were also invited. The meeting continued on 25.08.2022 at Revenue Training Institute Bemina Srinagar in which Special Secretary Revenue Department, Regional Director Survey & Land records, Deputy Secretary Revenue Department & Principal Revenue Training Institute Srinagar were also present”, reads the statement.

The association, it reads, was represented by UT President along with provisional presidents & other office bearers. “The meeting lasted for 2 hours in which all the demands regarding career progression & Core issues especially digitization were discussed in detail. It was decided by the Chair that all core issues regarding digitization will be redressed shortly and other genuine demands of career progression will be fulfilled within a period of 3 weeks.”

“Keeping in view the developments, a separate meeting of All Jammu & Kashmir Patwar Association was held at 2:30 pm under the leadership of Abdul Majeed Malla UT President in which general Secretary, Provisional Presidents and other office bearers of UT bodies and Province bodies participated” adding, “after threadbare discussion, it was unanimously decided to give some more time to Government as has been assured and the pen down strike is accordingly deferred for period of 3 weeks.” (KF)

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